Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a tour cost?

You can book a 60 minutes private tour for CHF 200 per group (non-profit organisations: CHF 150). A 90 minutes tour costs CHF 275 per group (non-profit organisations: CHF 225). In German, we also offer public tours for CHF 15, CHF 20 or CHF 25 per person (CHF 5, CHF 10 or CHF 15 with student ID/«KulturLegi»).

Is there an admission fee for group or individual visits?

Fees may apply for group or individual entries, especially to the tower, the crypt, the bible collection or for the rental of an audio guide.
↗ Detailed list of costs

How big is a group?

While up to 25 people can join our outdoor tours, 22 people can sign up for tours through the church, and 15 people for tours visiting the tower.
If you do not book a tour, a group is defined as 5 participants at least and 30 participants at most per time slot. Bigger groups must be split and register separately.

What if we bring our own guide?

You're welcome to bring your own guide. We recommend reserving a time window to guarantee entry (at least 5 work days in advance) & to profit from cheaper prices.

External guides must use «wisper technology» (audio set) from a group size of 5 people to avoid disturbing other visitors. They must bring their own audio sets for all participants. A short leaflet is included per person. For small groups of up to 10 people, an audio guide can be selected as an alternative (if available). Please specify the desired language when booking.
At Fraumünster, external guides must be accredited. ↗ More information about the accreditation as a Fraumünster guide

Do you have any audio guides?

Audio guides are available for CHF 5 at Fraumünster and Grossmünster in various languages.
Grossmünster: German, English, French, Italian, Rhaeto-Romance
Fraumünster (audio guide and leaflet): German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (only leaflet), Russian, Japanese and Chinese

In which languages can I book a private tour?

Most tours are held in German (↗ see full catalogue). Some tours are also held in English or, upon request, in French.
↗ Private Tours in English

What if my group is running late or fails to appear for a private tour?

After we confirmed your request, the booked time is binding and you will be charged, even if you run late or fail to appear. If you are delayed, the group must inform the guide by telephone. The private tour will not be prolonged by the delay.

What if I need to cancel a private tour?

If you cancel the tour up to 10 days prior, 50 percent of the costs will be charged. Later cancellations will be fully charged. The same applies when a group fails to appear.

Will the tour take place under any circumstances?

In case the church is occupied at short notice (e.g. for a funeral), a tour could be cancelled or rescheduled. If the tour cannot be rescheduled, no charges apply.

Are there any public tours as well?

We regularily offer public tours in German. Other languages are not available at this point.
↗ Public Tours in German

Are the churches fully accessible?

We are working hard to be open and accessible to all visitors and to make everyone feel included.

↗ Accessiblity Grossmünster
↗ Accessiblity Fraumünster
↗ Accessiblity St. Peter (German)

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